


  • 零样本分类: 首先,我们将使用零样本分类将交易放入五个命名的桶中,只使用提示进行指导
  • 嵌入分类: 接下来,我们将在一个标记的数据集上创建嵌入,然后使用传统的分类模型来测试它们在识别我们的类别方面的效果
  • 微调分类: 最后,我们将生成一个在标记数据集上训练的微调模型,以查看它与零样本和少样本分类方法的比较结果


# 加载autoreload扩展,可以在代码修改后自动重新加载模块
%load_ext autoreload

# 启用autoreload功能

# 安装openai、openai[datalib]和openai[embeddings]、transformers包
%pip install openai 'openai[datalib]' 'openai[embeddings]' transformers
# 导入所需的模块
import openai
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import json
import os

# 设置OpenAI API密钥
openai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")

# 定义使用的模型
COMPLETIONS_MODEL = "text-davinci-002"



  • 供应商:供应商的名称
  • 描述:交易的文本描述
  • 价值:交易的英镑价值



# 读取csv文件,并指定编码方式为unicode_escape
transactions = pd.read_csv('./data/25000_spend_dataset_current.csv', encoding= 'unicode_escape')

# 获取transactions的长度
# 查看数据集的前几行
Date Supplier Description Transaction value (£)
0 21/04/2016 M & J Ballantyne Ltd George IV Bridge Work 35098.0
1 26/04/2016 Private Sale Literary & Archival Items 30000.0
2 30/04/2016 City Of Edinburgh Council Non Domestic Rates 40800.0
3 09/05/2016 Computacenter Uk Kelvin Hall 72835.0
4 09/05/2016 John Graham Construction Ltd Causewayside Refurbishment 64361.0
# 定义函数request_completion,输入参数为prompt
# 调用openai.completions.create方法,创建一个completion_response对象,该对象包含了对prompt的补全结果
# 设置completion_response的参数包括prompt、temperature、max_tokens、top_p、frequency_penalty、presence_penalty和model
# 返回completion_response对象
def request_completion(prompt):

    completion_response =   openai.completions.create(

    return completion_response

# 定义函数classify_transaction,输入参数为transaction和prompt

def classify_transaction(transaction,prompt):

    prompt = prompt.replace('SUPPLIER_NAME',transaction['Supplier'])
    prompt = prompt.replace('DESCRIPTION_TEXT',transaction['Description'])
    prompt = prompt.replace('TRANSACTION_VALUE',str(transaction['Transaction value (£)']))

    classification = request_completion(prompt).choices[0].text.replace('n','')

    return classification

# 定义函数check_finetune_classes,输入参数为train_file和valid_file
def check_finetune_classes(train_file,valid_file):

    train_classes = set()
    valid_classes = set()
    with open(train_file, 'r') as json_file:
        json_list = list(json_file)

    for json_str in json_list:
        result = json.loads(json_str)
        #print(f"result: {result['completion']}")
        #print(isinstance(result, dict))

    with open(valid_file, 'r') as json_file:
        json_list = list(json_file)

    for json_str in json_list:
        result = json.loads(json_str)
        #print(f"result: {result['completion']}")
        #print(isinstance(result, dict))

    if len(train_classes) == len(valid_classes):
        print('All good')

        print('Classes do not match, please prepare data again')



# 定义一个字符串变量zero_shot_prompt,用于存储任务描述和模板
zero_shot_prompt = '''You are a data expert working for the National Library of Scotland.
You are analysing all transactions over £25,000 in value and classifying them into one of five categories.
The five categories are Building Improvement, Literature & Archive, Utility Bills, Professional Services and Software/IT.
If you can't tell what it is, say Could not classify



The classification is:'''

# 以上代码定义了一个字符串变量zero_shot_prompt,用于存储任务描述和模板。该模板用于描述一个数据专家在苏格兰国家图书馆工作的情景,该专家负责分析所有价值超过£25,000的交易,并将其分类为五个类别之一。这五个类别分别是建筑改进、文学与档案、公用事业账单、专业服务和软件/IT。如果无法确定交易属于哪个类别,则回答"Could not classify"。模板中还包含了交易的供应商、描述和价值信息。最后,模板中还包含了分类的结果。
# 从数据集中获取一笔交易记录
transaction = transactions.iloc[0]

# 将交易记录中的值插入到提示语中
prompt = zero_shot_prompt.replace('SUPPLIER_NAME',transaction['Supplier'])
prompt = prompt.replace('DESCRIPTION_TEXT',transaction['Description'])
prompt = prompt.replace('TRANSACTION_VALUE',str(transaction['Transaction value (£)']))

# 使用我们的自动补全函数返回一个预测结果
completion_response = request_completion(prompt)

# 输出预测结果中的第一个文本
 Building Improvement

我们的第一次尝试是正确的,M&J Ballantyne Ltd是一家房屋建筑商,他们执行的工作确实是建筑改进。


# 选择前25行数据作为测试数据
test_transactions = transactions.iloc[:25]

# 使用apply函数对每一行数据应用classify_transaction函数,并将结果存储在新的'Classification'列中
test_transactions['Classification'] = test_transactions.apply(lambda x: classify_transaction(x, zero_shot_prompt), axis=1)
/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:2: SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy
# 统计test_transactions数据集中Classification列中每个类别的数量
 Building Improvement    14
 Could not classify       5
 Literature & Archive     3
 Software/IT              2
 Utility Bills            1
Name: Classification, dtype: int64
# 显示数据集的前25行
Date Supplier Description Transaction value (£) Classification
0 21/04/2016 M & J Ballantyne Ltd George IV Bridge Work 35098.0 Building Improvement
1 26/04/2016 Private Sale Literary & Archival Items 30000.0 Literature & Archive
2 30/04/2016 City Of Edinburgh Council Non Domestic Rates 40800.0 Utility Bills
3 09/05/2016 Computacenter Uk Kelvin Hall 72835.0 Software/IT
4 09/05/2016 John Graham Construction Ltd Causewayside Refurbishment 64361.0 Building Improvement
5 09/05/2016 A McGillivray Causewayside Refurbishment 53690.0 Building Improvement
6 16/05/2016 John Graham Construction Ltd Causewayside Refurbishment 365344.0 Building Improvement
7 23/05/2016 Computacenter Uk Kelvin Hall 26506.0 Software/IT
8 23/05/2016 ECG Facilities Service Facilities Management Charge 32777.0 Building Improvement
9 23/05/2016 ECG Facilities Service Facilities Management Charge 32777.0 Building Improvement
10 30/05/2016 ALDL ALDL Charges 32317.0 Could not classify
11 10/06/2016 Wavetek Ltd Kelvin Hall 87589.0 Could not classify
12 10/06/2016 John Graham Construction Ltd Causewayside Refurbishment 381803.0 Building Improvement
13 28/06/2016 ECG Facilities Service Facilities Management Charge 32832.0 Building Improvement
14 30/06/2016 Glasgow City Council Kelvin Hall 1700000.0 Building Improvement
15 11/07/2016 Wavetek Ltd Kelvin Hall 65692.0 Could not classify
16 11/07/2016 John Graham Construction Ltd Causewayside Refurbishment 139845.0 Building Improvement
17 15/07/2016 Sotheby'S Literary & Archival Items 28500.0 Literature & Archive
18 18/07/2016 Christies Literary & Archival Items 33800.0 Literature & Archive
19 25/07/2016 A McGillivray Causewayside Refurbishment 30113.0 Building Improvement
20 31/07/2016 ALDL ALDL Charges 32317.0 Could not classify
21 08/08/2016 ECG Facilities Service Facilities Management Charge 32795.0 Building Improvement
22 15/08/2016 Creative Video Productions Ltd Kelvin Hall 26866.0 Could not classify
23 15/08/2016 John Graham Construction Ltd Causewayside Refurbishment 196807.0 Building Improvement
24 24/08/2016 ECG Facilities Service Facilities Management Charge 32795.0 Building Improvement



让我们从我们已经分类过的小数据集中创建嵌入 - 我们通过在我们的数据集中运行零-shot分类器并手动纠正我们得到的15个无法分类结果来创建了一组带有标签的示例。



# 读取csv文件,并将数据存储在DataFrame中
df = pd.read_csv('./data/labelled_transactions.csv')

# 显示DataFrame的前几行数据
Date Supplier Description Transaction value (£) Classification
0 15/08/2016 Creative Video Productions Ltd Kelvin Hall 26866 Other
1 29/05/2017 John Graham Construction Ltd Causewayside Refurbishment 74806 Building Improvement
2 29/05/2017 Morris & Spottiswood Ltd George IV Bridge Work 56448 Building Improvement
3 31/05/2017 John Graham Construction Ltd Causewayside Refurbishment 164691 Building Improvement
4 24/07/2017 John Graham Construction Ltd Causewayside Refurbishment 27926 Building Improvement
# 创建新列'combined',将'Supplier'、'Description'和'Transaction value (£)'的值拼接在一起,并添加文本描述
df['combined'] = "Supplier: " + df['Supplier'].str.strip() + "; Description: " + df['Description'].str.strip() + "; Value: " + str(df['Transaction value (£)']).strip()

# 显示前两行数据
Date Supplier Description Transaction value (£) Classification combined
0 15/08/2016 Creative Video Productions Ltd Kelvin Hall 26866 Other Supplier: Creative Video Productions Ltd; Desc...
1 29/05/2017 John Graham Construction Ltd Causewayside Refurbishment 74806 Building Improvement Supplier: John Graham Construction Ltd; Descri...
# 导入GPT2TokenizerFast模块
from transformers import GPT2TokenizerFast

# 使用预训练模型"gpt2"初始化tokenizer
tokenizer = GPT2TokenizerFast.from_pretrained("gpt2")

# 对数据框df中的"combined"列进行编码,并将编码后的长度赋值给新列"n_tokens"
df['n_tokens'] = df.combined.apply(lambda x: len(tokenizer.encode(x)))

# 输出数据框df的长度
# 设置嵌入路径为当前目录下的"data/transactions_with_embeddings_100.csv"
embedding_path = './data/transactions_with_embeddings_100.csv'
# 导入get_embedding函数
from utils.embeddings_utils import get_embedding

# 对df的combined列应用get_embedding函数,使用模型'text-similarity-babbage-001',并将结果保存在df的'babbage_similarity'列中
df['babbage_similarity'] = df.combined.apply(lambda x: get_embedding(x, model='text-similarity-babbage-001'))

# 对df的combined列应用get_embedding函数,使用模型'text-search-babbage-doc-001',并将结果保存在df的'babbage_search'列中
df['babbage_search'] = df.combined.apply(lambda x: get_embedding(x, model='text-search-babbage-doc-001'))

# 将df保存为CSV文件,文件路径为embedding_path




# 导入所需的库
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier  # 随机森林分类器
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split  # 数据集划分
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, accuracy_score  # 分类报告和准确率评估
from ast import literal_eval  # 字符串转换为字典

# 读取embedding数据集
fs_df = pd.read_csv(embedding_path)

# 将babbage_similarity列中的字符串转换为字典,并转换为numpy数组
fs_df["babbage_similarity"] = fs_df.babbage_similarity.apply(literal_eval).apply(np.array)

# 显示数据集的前几行
Unnamed: 0 Date Supplier Description Transaction value (£) Classification combined n_tokens babbage_similarity babbage_search
0 0 15/08/2016 Creative Video Productions Ltd Kelvin Hall 26866 Other Supplier: Creative Video Productions Ltd; Desc... 136 [-0.009802100248634815, 0.022551486268639565, ... [-0.00232666521333158, 0.019198870286345482, 0...
1 1 29/05/2017 John Graham Construction Ltd Causewayside Refurbishment 74806 Building Improvement Supplier: John Graham Construction Ltd; Descri... 140 [-0.009065819904208183, 0.012094118632376194, ... [0.005169447045773268, 0.00473341578617692, -0...
2 2 29/05/2017 Morris & Spottiswood Ltd George IV Bridge Work 56448 Building Improvement Supplier: Morris & Spottiswood Ltd; Descriptio... 141 [-0.009000026620924473, 0.02405017428100109, -... [0.0028343256562948227, 0.021166473627090454, ...
3 3 31/05/2017 John Graham Construction Ltd Causewayside Refurbishment 164691 Building Improvement Supplier: John Graham Construction Ltd; Descri... 140 [-0.009065819904208183, 0.012094118632376194, ... [0.005169447045773268, 0.00473341578617692, -0...
4 4 24/07/2017 John Graham Construction Ltd Causewayside Refurbishment 27926 Building Improvement Supplier: John Graham Construction Ltd; Descri... 140 [-0.009065819904208183, 0.012094118632376194, ... [0.005169447045773268, 0.00473341578617692, -0...
# 导入train_test_split函数,用于将数据集划分为训练集和测试集
# 导入RandomForestClassifier类,用于构建随机森林分类器
# 导入classification_report函数,用于生成分类报告

# 使用train_test_split函数将数据集划分为训练集和测试集,其中X_train和X_test为特征数据,y_train和y_test为目标数据
# list(fs_df.babbage_similarity.values)表示将fs_df中的babbage_similarity列的值转换为列表形式
# test_size=0.2表示测试集占总数据集的比例为20%
# random_state=42表示随机种子,保证每次划分的结果相同
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
    list(fs_df.babbage_similarity.values), fs_df.Classification, test_size=0.2, random_state=42

# 创建一个随机森林分类器对象,n_estimators=100表示构建100棵决策树
clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100)

# 使用训练集数据进行模型训练
clf.fit(X_train, y_train)

# 使用训练好的模型对测试集数据进行预测
preds = clf.predict(X_test)

# 使用训练好的模型对测试集数据进行概率预测
probas = clf.predict_proba(X_test)

# 生成分类报告,y_test为真实标签,preds为预测标签
report = classification_report(y_test, preds)

# 打印分类报告
                      precision    recall  f1-score   support

Building Improvement       0.92      1.00      0.96        11
Literature & Archive       1.00      1.00      1.00         3
               Other       0.00      0.00      0.00         1
         Software/IT       1.00      1.00      1.00         1
       Utility Bills       1.00      1.00      1.00         5

            accuracy                           0.95        21
           macro avg       0.78      0.80      0.79        21
        weighted avg       0.91      0.95      0.93        21

/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn/metrics/_classification.py:1318: UndefinedMetricWarning: Precision and F-score are ill-defined and being set to 0.0 in labels with no predicted samples. Use `zero_division` parameter to control this behavior.
  _warn_prf(average, modifier, msg_start, len(result))
/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn/metrics/_classification.py:1318: UndefinedMetricWarning: Precision and F-score are ill-defined and being set to 0.0 in labels with no predicted samples. Use `zero_division` parameter to control this behavior.
  _warn_prf(average, modifier, msg_start, len(result))
/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn/metrics/_classification.py:1318: UndefinedMetricWarning: Precision and F-score are ill-defined and being set to 0.0 in labels with no predicted samples. Use `zero_division` parameter to control this behavior.
  _warn_prf(average, modifier, msg_start, len(result))







  • 首先,我们将列出我们的类别,并用数字标识符替换它们。使模型预测单个标记而不是多个连续的标记(如“建筑改进”)应该能够给我们带来更好的结果。
  • 我们还需要为每个示例添加一个常见的前缀和后缀,以帮助模型进行预测 - 在我们的情况下,我们的文本已经以“供应商”开头,我们将在末尾添加一个后缀“nn###nn”。
  • 最后,我们将在每个目标类别之前添加一个前导空格,以再次帮助模型进行分类。
# 复制fs_df数据框并将其赋值给ft_prep_df
ft_prep_df = fs_df.copy()

# 计算ft_prep_df数据框的长度
# 导入pandas库并读取数据
import pandas as pd
ft_prep_df = pd.read_csv('file.csv')

# 查看数据前5行
Unnamed: 0 Date Supplier Description Transaction value (£) Classification combined n_tokens babbage_similarity babbage_search
0 0 15/08/2016 Creative Video Productions Ltd Kelvin Hall 26866 Other Supplier: Creative Video Productions Ltd; Desc... 12 [-0.009630300104618073, 0.009887108579277992, ... [-0.008217384107410908, 0.025170527398586273, ...
1 1 29/05/2017 John Graham Construction Ltd Causewayside Refurbishment 74806 Building Improvement Supplier: John Graham Construction Ltd; Descri... 16 [-0.006144719664007425, -0.0018709596479311585... [-0.007424891460686922, 0.008475713431835175, ...
2 2 29/05/2017 Morris & Spottiswood Ltd George IV Bridge Work 56448 Building Improvement Supplier: Morris & Spottiswood Ltd; Descriptio... 17 [-0.005225738976150751, 0.015156379900872707, ... [-0.007611643522977829, 0.030322374776005745, ...
3 3 31/05/2017 John Graham Construction Ltd Causewayside Refurbishment 164691 Building Improvement Supplier: John Graham Construction Ltd; Descri... 16 [-0.006144719664007425, -0.0018709596479311585... [-0.007424891460686922, 0.008475713431835175, ...
4 4 24/07/2017 John Graham Construction Ltd Causewayside Refurbishment 27926 Building Improvement Supplier: John Graham Construction Ltd; Descri... 16 [-0.006144719664007425, -0.0018709596479311585... [-0.007424891460686922, 0.008475713431835175, ...
# 将ft_prep_df中的所有分类取出并去重,存入classes列表中
classes = list(set(ft_prep_df['Classification']))

# 创建一个空的DataFrame,将classes列表中的分类存入DataFrame中,并为每个分类分配一个唯一的id
class_df = pd.DataFrame(classes).reset_index()

# 将DataFrame的列名改为class_id和class
class_df.columns = ['class_id','class']

# 输出class_df和其长度
class_df  , len(class_df)
(   class_id                 class
 0         0  Literature & Archive
 1         1         Utility Bills
 2         2  Building Improvement
 3         3           Software/IT
 4         4                 Other,
# 合并数据框
ft_df_with_class = ft_prep_df.merge(class_df, left_on='Classification', right_on='class', how='inner')

# 在每个完成的前面添加一个空格,以帮助模型
ft_df_with_class['class_id'] = ft_df_with_class.apply(lambda x: ' ' + str(x['class_id']), axis=1)

# 删除class列
ft_df_with_class = ft_df_with_class.drop('class', axis=1)

# 在每个提示的末尾添加一个常见的分隔符,以便模型知道何时提示终止
ft_df_with_class['prompt'] = ft_df_with_class.apply(lambda x: x['combined'] + 'nn###nn', axis=1)

# 显示前几行数据
Unnamed: 0 Date Supplier Description Transaction value (£) Classification combined n_tokens babbage_similarity babbage_search class_id prompt
0 0 15/08/2016 Creative Video Productions Ltd Kelvin Hall 26866 Other Supplier: Creative Video Productions Ltd; Desc... 12 [-0.009630300104618073, 0.009887108579277992, ... [-0.008217384107410908, 0.025170527398586273, ... 4 Supplier: Creative Video Productions Ltd; Desc...
1 51 31/03/2017 NLS Foundation Grant Payment 177500 Other Supplier: NLS Foundation; Description: Grant P... 11 [-0.022305507212877274, 0.008543581701815128, ... [-0.020519884303212166, 0.01993306167423725, -... 4 Supplier: NLS Foundation; Description: Grant P...
2 70 26/06/2017 British Library Legal Deposit Services 50056 Other Supplier: British Library; Description: Legal ... 11 [-0.01019938476383686, 0.015277703292667866, -... [-0.01843327097594738, 0.03343546763062477, -0... 4 Supplier: British Library; Description: Legal ...
3 71 24/07/2017 ALDL Legal Deposit Services 27067 Other Supplier: ALDL; Description: Legal Deposit Ser... 11 [-0.008471488021314144, 0.004098685923963785, ... [-0.012966590002179146, 0.01299362163990736, 0... 4 Supplier: ALDL; Description: Legal Deposit Ser...
4 100 24/07/2017 AM Phillip Vehicle Purchase 26604 Other Supplier: AM Phillip; Description: Vehicle Pur... 10 [-0.003459023078903556, 0.004626389592885971, ... [-0.0010945454705506563, 0.008626140654087067,... 4 Supplier: AM Phillip; Description: Vehicle Pur...
# 这一步是不必要的,如果每个类别中都有足够数量的观察值
# 在我们的情况下,我们没有,所以我们对数据进行洗牌,以便在训练集和验证集中获得相等的类别数量,增加我们得到的模型的准确性
# 如果验证集中的类别数量较少,我们的微调模型将出错,所以这一步是必要的

import random

# 从ft_df_with_class的'class_id'列中获取标签
labels = [x for x in ft_df_with_class['class_id']]
# 从ft_df_with_class的'prompt'列中获取文本
text = [x for x in ft_df_with_class['prompt']]
# 创建一个名为ft_df的DataFrame,其中包含'text'和'labels'两列
ft_df = pd.DataFrame(zip(text, labels), columns = ['prompt','class_id']) #[:300]
# 将列名改为'prompt'和'completion'
ft_df.columns = ['prompt','completion']
# 为ft_df添加一个名为'ordering'的新列,该列的值是一个随机整数,范围是从0到ft_df的长度
ft_df['ordering'] = ft_df.apply(lambda x: random.randint(0,len(ft_df)), axis = 1)
# 将'ordering'列设置为索引
# 根据'ordering'列的值对ft_df进行升序排序
ft_df_sorted = ft_df.sort_index(ascending=True)
# 显示排序后的前几行数据
prompt completion
0 Supplier: Sothebys; Description: Literary & Ar... 0
1 Supplier: Sotheby'S; Description: Literary & A... 0
2 Supplier: City Of Edinburgh Council; Descripti... 1
2 Supplier: John Graham Construction Ltd; Descri... 2
3 Supplier: John Graham Construction Ltd; Descri... 2
# 删除已经存在的训练/验证集文件,以便为此分类器生成新的训练/验证集
#!rm transactions_grouped*

# 将我们的随机排序的数据框输出到一个.jsonl文件中,并运行prepare_data函数以获取我们的输入文件
ft_df_sorted.to_json("transactions_grouped.jsonl", orient='records', lines=True)
!openai tools fine_tunes.prepare_data -f transactions_grouped.jsonl -q
# 定义一个函数,用于检查类别是否在训练集和验证集中都存在

All good
# 这一步创建了模型
!openai api fine_tunes.create -t "transactions_grouped_prepared_train.jsonl" -v "transactions_grouped_prepared_valid.jsonl" --compute_classification_metrics --classification_n_classes 5 -m curie

# 你可以使用以下命令获取微调作业状态和模型名称,将作业名称替换为你的作业
#!openai api fine_tunes.get -i ft-YBIc01t4hxYBC7I5qhRF3Qdx
# 恭喜您,您已经拥有了一个经过精细调整的模型!
# 将下面提供的名称复制/粘贴到下面的变量中,我们将对其进行测试
fine_tuned_model = 'curie:ft-personal-2022-10-20-10-42-56'



# 导入必要的库
import pandas as pd

# 读取jsonl文件,并将其转换为DataFrame格式
test_set = pd.read_json('transactions_grouped_prepared_valid.jsonl', lines=True)

# 显示DataFrame的前几行数据
prompt completion
0 Supplier: Wavetek Ltd; Description: Kelvin Hal... 2
1 Supplier: ECG Facilities Service; Description:... 1
2 Supplier: M & J Ballantyne Ltd; Description: G... 2
3 Supplier: Private Sale; Description: Literary ... 0
4 Supplier: Ex Libris; Description: IT equipment... 3

# 使用fine_tuned_model对test_set中的每个样本进行预测
# prompt为每个样本的输入数据
# max_tokens设置为1,表示只生成一个token作为预测结果
# temperature设置为0,表示生成结果时完全按照模型的预测结果进行选择,不考虑随机性
# logprobs设置为5,表示返回生成结果时,同时返回前5个最可能的token及其概率
test_set['predicted_class'] = test_set.apply(lambda x: openai.Completion.create(model=fine_tuned_model, prompt=x['prompt'], max_tokens=1, temperature=0, logprobs=5),axis=1)

# 从预测结果中提取出最终的预测类别
# x['predicted_class']['choices'][0]['text']表示预测结果中的第一个选择的文本内容
test_set['pred'] = test_set.apply(lambda x : x['predicted_class']['choices'][0]['text'],axis=1)

# 创建一个新的列'result',并将其值设置为应用lambda函数的结果
# lambda函数用于比较'pred'和'completion'两列的值是否相等
# strip()函数用于去除字符串两端的空格
# axis = 1表示按行应用lambda函数
test_set['result'] = test_set.apply(lambda x: str(x['pred']).strip() == str(x['completion']).strip(), axis = 1)
# 统计test_set中result列中每个值出现的次数,并按照次数从大到小排序
True     4
False    4
Name: result, dtype: int64

性能不是很好 - 不幸的是这是可以预料的。由于每个类别只有几个示例,使用嵌入和传统分类器的上述方法效果更好。


# 复制transactions数据集,并从第101行开始创建一个新的数据集holdout_df
holdout_df = transactions.copy().iloc[101:]

# 打印holdout_df的前几行数据
Date Supplier Description Transaction value (£)
101 23/10/2017 City Building LLP Causewayside Refurbishment 53147.0
102 30/10/2017 ECG Facilities Service Facilities Management Charge 35758.0
103 30/10/2017 ECG Facilities Service Facilities Management Charge 35758.0
104 06/11/2017 John Graham Construction Ltd Causewayside Refurbishment 134208.0
105 06/11/2017 ALDL Legal Deposit Services 27067.0
# 给holdout_df添加一个名为'combined'的新列,该列的值为"Supplier: " + holdout_df['Supplier']的去除首尾空格后的字符串 + "; Description: " + holdout_df['Description']的去除首尾空格后的字符串 + 'nn###nn'
holdout_df['combined'] = "Supplier: " + holdout_df['Supplier'].str.strip() + "; Description: " + holdout_df['Description'].str.strip() + 'nn###nn'

# 对holdout_df应用一个lambda函数,该函数使用openai.Completion.create方法生成预测结果,并将结果存储在'prediction_result'列中
# openai.Completion.create方法的参数包括模型fine_tuned_model、prompt为x['combined']、max_tokens为1、temperature为0、logprobs为5
holdout_df['prediction_result'] = holdout_df.apply(lambda x: openai.Completion.create(model=fine_tuned_model, prompt=x['combined'], max_tokens=1, temperature=0, logprobs=5),axis=1)

# 对holdout_df应用一个lambda函数,该函数从'prediction_result'列中获取预测结果的文本,并将结果存储在'pred'列中
holdout_df['pred'] = holdout_df.apply(lambda x : x['prediction_result']['choices'][0]['text'],axis=1)

# 输出测试集的前10行数据
Date Supplier Description Transaction value (£) combined prediction_result pred
101 23/10/2017 City Building LLP Causewayside Refurbishment 53147.0 Supplier: City Building LLP; Description: Caus... {'id': 'cmpl-63YDadbYLo8xKsGY2vReOFCMgTOvG', '... 2
102 30/10/2017 ECG Facilities Service Facilities Management Charge 35758.0 Supplier: ECG Facilities Service; Description:... {'id': 'cmpl-63YDbNK1D7UikDc3xi5ATihg5kQEt', '... 2
103 30/10/2017 ECG Facilities Service Facilities Management Charge 35758.0 Supplier: ECG Facilities Service; Description:... {'id': 'cmpl-63YDbwfiHjkjMWsfTKNt6naeqPzOe', '... 2
104 06/11/2017 John Graham Construction Ltd Causewayside Refurbishment 134208.0 Supplier: John Graham Construction Ltd; Descri... {'id': 'cmpl-63YDbWAndtsRqPTi2ZHZtPodZvOwr', '... 2
105 06/11/2017 ALDL Legal Deposit Services 27067.0 Supplier: ALDL; Description: Legal Deposit Ser... {'id': 'cmpl-63YDbDu7WM3svYWsRAMdDUKtSFDBu', '... 2
106 27/11/2017 Maggs Bros Ltd Literary & Archival Items 26500.0 Supplier: Maggs Bros Ltd; Description: Literar... {'id': 'cmpl-63YDbxNNI8ZH5CJJNxQ0IF9Zf925C', '... 0
107 30/11/2017 Glasgow City Council Kelvin Hall 42345.0 Supplier: Glasgow City Council; Description: K... {'id': 'cmpl-63YDb8R1FWu4bjwM2xE775rouwneV', '... 2
108 11/12/2017 ECG Facilities Service Facilities Management Charge 35758.0 Supplier: ECG Facilities Service; Description:... {'id': 'cmpl-63YDcAPsp37WhbPs9kwfUX0kBk7Hv', '... 2
109 11/12/2017 John Graham Construction Ltd Causewayside Refurbishment 159275.0 Supplier: John Graham Construction Ltd; Descri... {'id': 'cmpl-63YDcML2welrC3wF0nuKgcNmVu1oQ', '... 2
110 08/01/2018 ECG Facilities Service Facilities Management Charge 35758.0 Supplier: ECG Facilities Service; Description:... {'id': 'cmpl-63YDc95SSdOHnIliFB2cjMEEm7Z2u', '... 2
# 对holdout_df中的预测结果进行计数并返回计数结果
 2    231
 0     27
Name: pred, dtype: int64

好吧,那些结果同样令人失望 - 所以我们已经了解到,对于一个带有少量标记观察数据集,零样本分类或使用嵌入进行传统分类比微调模型能够得到更好的结果。


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